
Sunday, 31 May 2015


What connects Anne Boleyn, Sir Walter Raleigh, Guy Fawkes, Lady Jane Grey and Rudolf Hess(inexhaustive list)?

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

X is considered to have been invented during the Mauryan Dynasty, originated in the southern states of India. X(weapon) is used in Kalaripayattu, the martial art of Kerala. The word X is of north Keralan origin. In the state's southern region it is more commonly called a chuttuval, from the words for coiling or spinning (chuttu) and sword (vaal).
ID X(a weapon).

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Making Star Wars during its time was completely an unconceivable idea. No studio had a special effects department. However, George Lucas not only helped invent a new generation of special effects but launched a legendary company that would change the course of the movie business. X was born in a sweltering warehouse behind the Van Nuys airport in the summer of 1975. Its first employees were recent college graduates (and dropouts) with rich imaginations and nimble fingers. They were tasked with building Star Wars’ creatures, spaceships, circuit boards, and cameras. Pixar began, essentially, as an internal investigation of X. Photoshop was invented, in part, by an employee of X.

Sunday, 10 May 2015



This picture is of a dispute between Serra Pelada gold mine worker and military police taken in Brazil in 1986. Who is the photojournalist?


(image source: beautifullybrown.com)

ID the YouTube personality. She is the #1 beauty guru on YouTube. Loreal launched a new makeup line called Em designed by her. Her tutorials include: actress Angelina Jolie, Game of Thrones' Daenerys Targaryen and singer Taylor Swift.

Friday, 8 May 2015


The persons shown in this picture are:(L to R) Neils Bohr, Max Von Laue and James Franck. What famous historical event connects them?