X is an ancient Indian village in the state of Himachal Pradesh. It is considered to be one of the first democracies in the world. According to tradition, the residents of X are the descendant of Aryans, and they acquired their independence during the Mughal reign when the Emperor Akbar walked to the village in order to cure an ailment that he was afflicted with; after having been successfully cured he put out an edict stating that all the inhabitants of the valley would never be required to pay tax. An alternative tradition suggests that X was founded by remnants of Alexander the Great's Army. ID X.
X is an ancient Indian village in the state of Himachal Pradesh. It is considered to be one of the first democracies in the world. According to tradition, the residents of X are the descendant of Aryans, and they acquired their independence during the Mughal reign when the Emperor Akbar walked to the village in order to cure an ailment that he was afflicted with; after having been successfully cured he put out an edict stating that all the inhabitants of the valley would never be required to pay tax. An alternative tradition suggests that X was founded by remnants of Alexander the Great's Army. ID X.
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