
Sunday, 31 May 2015


What connects Anne Boleyn, Sir Walter Raleigh, Guy Fawkes, Lady Jane Grey and Rudolf Hess(inexhaustive list)?

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

X is considered to have been invented during the Mauryan Dynasty, originated in the southern states of India. X(weapon) is used in Kalaripayattu, the martial art of Kerala. The word X is of north Keralan origin. In the state's southern region it is more commonly called a chuttuval, from the words for coiling or spinning (chuttu) and sword (vaal).
ID X(a weapon).

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


Making Star Wars during its time was completely an unconceivable idea. No studio had a special effects department. However, George Lucas not only helped invent a new generation of special effects but launched a legendary company that would change the course of the movie business. X was born in a sweltering warehouse behind the Van Nuys airport in the summer of 1975. Its first employees were recent college graduates (and dropouts) with rich imaginations and nimble fingers. They were tasked with building Star Wars’ creatures, spaceships, circuit boards, and cameras. Pixar began, essentially, as an internal investigation of X. Photoshop was invented, in part, by an employee of X.

Sunday, 10 May 2015



This picture is of a dispute between Serra Pelada gold mine worker and military police taken in Brazil in 1986. Who is the photojournalist?


(image source: beautifullybrown.com)

ID the YouTube personality. She is the #1 beauty guru on YouTube. Loreal launched a new makeup line called Em designed by her. Her tutorials include: actress Angelina Jolie, Game of Thrones' Daenerys Targaryen and singer Taylor Swift.

Friday, 8 May 2015


The persons shown in this picture are:(L to R) Neils Bohr, Max Von Laue and James Franck. What famous historical event connects them?

Thursday, 23 April 2015

 Connect:(inexhaustive list)
The Ludovico technique

Friday, 27 March 2015


KM Music Conservatory (KMMC) is a higher education institution founded in 2008. Located in Kodambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, the Conservatory offers a range of part-time and full-time courses in Hindustani and Western classical music and music technology. Who is the founder?

Friday, 20 March 2015

What has been blanked out is the inventor of the modern toilet paper. Who is he?

X is an audio manufacturer known for hand building high-end dynamic open-air headphones and cartridges in Brooklyn, New York. It was founded in 1953, by master watchmaker Joseph Grado. X has never advertised and a cultish audiophile customer base drives its sales through word-of-mouth. Devotees include Phish, Aerosmith, Neil Young and Spike Jonze. ID X.

During solar eclipses pendulums or gravimeters behave anomalously, this effect is called Allais Effect. It was first observed by X in june 30, 1954, who was a French polymath who won Nobel Prize in Economics. The effect was named after him. ID X.

Monday, 16 March 2015

X born in salem, massachussets, 1826 was of puritan heritage. His great-great-grandfather came to Salem in 1636. As the Massachusetts Bay delegate, he tried to rid the town of Quakers by having them whipped and dragged through the street half naked. As a magistrate during the Salem witch trials of 1692, he examined more than one hundred accused witches, and found them all guilty. X detested this legacy and distanced himself from his ancestors by adding the “W” to the spelling of his surname. ID X.

Friday, 13 March 2015

X, a movie studio, was founded in 1915. X started out as simply the Studio Tour in 1964, giving guests a behind-the-scenes glimpse at movie and television production. The tour included a boxed lunch and the vehicles used to transport people were called Glamor Trams. One of the first tour guides was John Badham, who is famous for directing Saturday Night Fever and War Games.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Declaration of Independence

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


This is the Palais Ideal in Hauterives, France which took the postman Ferdinand Cheval 33 years to construct it. What is unique about this structure?

ID the person from the two pictures: a google doodle on behalf of the person and a plaque.

Monday, 9 March 2015

This book is an antisemitic hoax purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination.  It was first published in Russia in 1903. Henry Ford funded printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the US in the 1920s. Adolf Hitler was a major proponent. It was studied, as if factual, in German classrooms after the Nazis came to power in 1933, despite having been exposed as fraudulent by The Times of London in 1921. It is one of the best-known and most-discussed examples of literary forgery.
ID the book.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

This term X was coined by Kenji Kawakami which means "unusual tool" and is a form of Japanese art. Created in the 1980s, X are inventions that are designed to solve everyday problems, but are far too odd and eccentric to use regularly. This unusual art movement called the X movement started when Kawakami included one of his prototypes at the end of his magazine, Mail Order Life, which was dedicated to housewives who couldn't easily go to city to shop. ID X. 

Friday, 6 March 2015

X(10 AD-70 AD) was a Greek mathematician and engineer who was active in his native city of Alexandria. These are X's inventions:

  • The first vending machine was also one of his constructions, when a coin was introduced via a slot on the top of the machine, a set amount of holy water was dispensed. 
  • In optics, he formulated the Principle of the Shortest Path of Light. It was nearly 1000 years later that Alhacen expanded the principle to both reflection and refraction, and the principle was later stated in this form by Pierre de Fermat in 1662.
  • Today, X's name is most closely associated with X's Formula for finding the area of a triangle from its side lengths.
She was the first woman to win a pulitzer prize for fiction in 1921. She got the award for her book "The Age of Innocence". ID her.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

 Marked in red in the pic below is the end credits of a famous hollywood movie. ID the movie.

The rationale for this tradition predates the early Christians and goes back to the Norse god Baldur, second son of Odin. He was so beloved by the other gods that they sought to protect him from all the dangers of the world. His mother, the goddess Frigg, "took an oath from fire and water, iron and all metals, stones and earth, from trees, sicknesses and poisons, and from all four-footed beasts, birds and creeping things, that they would not hurt Baldur." however, Loki found out that his mother forgot to ask a particular poisonous plant(name withheld on purpose) not to harm her beloved son. In the end, a dart fashioned from the little plant was used to murder Baldur. Frigg, devastated, her tears became the berries of the plant and it was decreed that the plant would never again be used as a weapon and that she would place a kiss on anyone who passed under it. Name the tradition. 
X is a Christmas tradition in the United States. There are a number of different origin stories attributed to the tradition, but it was primarily thought to have originated in Germany. Berrien Springs, Michigan is known as the X capital of the world. This tradition is commonly believed by Americans to come from Germany and be referred to as a Weihnachtsgurke, but this is probably apocryphal. ID X.
Which company made the first stringed Xmas lights?

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

 This is the title page of Beethovan's Eroica Symphony. What has been scratched out by Beethoven himself?

W.H. Auden’s best-known poem, _______________ was written the day that Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. From the moment it was published in The New Republic that year, the work was instantly popular but Auden wanted to revise it. He thought parts of the poem rang false. He especially hated its most famous line: “We must love one another or die.” Auden later reflected, “That’s a damned lie! We must die anyway.” So in the next version of his poem, Auden altered the text to read, “We must love one another and die.”
FITB or ID the poem.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Google doodle dedicated to whom?

MC Escher's 105th Birthday
This is Will Shortz from Indiana. What unique degree does he hold?. He is the only known person to hold this college degree.

Will Shortz 2006.jpg

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Other than being Nobel Peace Prize laureates what is common among Carl Von Ossietzky, Aung San Suu Kyi and Liu Xiabo.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

ID the lady in the pic. She is the only fashion designer listed on Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century.

Coco Chanel, 1920.jpg
This website started out as dating website. It began as a video dating website called "Tune in hook up" inspired by the website "hot or not". ID the website.
X  is a gymnastics and artistic festival held in the Rungnado May Day Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea. Also known as the Mass Games, it usually begins in early August and ends around September 10th. The name X refers to a Korean folk story about a young couple who are torn apart by an evil landlord, here intended to represent the division of Korea.

Friday, 27 February 2015

X is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk. X is believed to have originated in the U.S. with Texas knitters trying to find a creative way to use their leftover and unfinished knitting projects. The start of this movement has been attributed to Magda Sayeg, 37, from Houston.

Thursday, 26 February 2015


Whose ad campaign?

ID the brand. This brand was originally Southern and/or Scots/Irish slang for moonshine (homemade whiskey). Its advertisement in Arizona is shown below.

Monday, 23 February 2015

The tradition of X grew out of the comedy clubs in America and drew inspiration from a street game called ‘The Dozens’ which is often played on the streets in black majority areas in the United States. Serious research exists connecting ‘The Dozens’ to a Nigerian game called Ikocha Nkocha, which when literally translated means “making disparaging remarks”.
ID X. 

Sunday, 22 February 2015

On 21 February 1958, the peace symbol design was completed. It was commissioned by the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. The three lines inside the circle represent the letters "N" and "D", for Nuclear Disarmament used in a particular system of notation. This system uses flags to send information great distances, such as from one ship to another ship. "N" is formed by a person holding a flag in each hand and pointing it toward the ground at a 45-degree angle. "D" is formed by a person holding one flag straight down and one straight up. What is the name of the system?

Friday, 20 February 2015

“To cut the Gordian knot” is used as a metaphor to refer to an intractable problem. With which famous historical figure would you associate the Gordian Knot?

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Ever counted the number of stars in the Paramount pictures logo around the Majestic Mountain. At the start in 1912 it had 24 stars while currently it has 22 stars. What does these stars represent?
These are the four Wonskolasers- Harry(born as Hirsch), Sam(born as Szmul), Albert( born Aaron) and Jack( born as Itzhak) who emigrated with their parents to North America from Krasnosielc(a part of congress Poland). How do we know them more famously?
 Two questions from the Dreamworks pic below:
1. What does SKG stand for?
2. Who is the inspiration for the boy in the moon?

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

It has been considered as the world's most expensive puppet ever created by many sources. It took 3 puppeteers to control it. The most renowned among them is Toby Philpott who was appointed by George Lucas. ID the puppet.
This is the story of origin of X:
                 When Germany’s first jet fighter planes appeared in the skies over Europe in 1943, the U.S.War Department hired Lockheed Aircraft Corporation to build a working jet fighter prototype,
giving them just 180 days to do so. For The War Department, there was just one man for the
job: 33-year old Clarence “Kelly” Johnson, Lockheed’s talented but eccentric Chief Engineer. Kelly
Johnson ran Lockheed’s innovative Advanced Develop Programs for nearly 45 years, from its
inception in 1943 to 1975. Lockheed was out of floor space, as the entire complex was devoted for 24/7 production of the current planes. The jet fighter project was to be conducted with top secrecy, so Kelly decided to leverage the space constraint. He broke away from the Lockheed main operation, taking 23 of the best design engineers and 30 mechanics with him, and set up camp in a rented circus tent next to a foul-smelling plastics factory, figuring the odor would help keep nosy barkers away. A team engineer named Irv Culver was a fan of Al Capp's newspaper comic strip, "Li'l Abner," in which there was a running joke about a mysterious and malodorous place deep in the forest called the "Skonk Works." For legal reasons, Lockheed eventually trademarked the name “X” for their top-secret advanced development program.
ID X. 

Monday, 16 February 2015

 ID the South Korean personality. He was awarded the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize for his Sunshine Policy towards North Korea.

Kim Dae-jung
This logo is legendary among designers. It has won over 40 design awards and was ranked as one of the eight best logos in the last 35 years in the 35th Anniversary American Icon issue of Rolling Stone magazine. The man behind the logo is Lindon Leader. To design this logo he used the concept of Negative Space used in creative art where he used two bold fonts Univers 67 and Futura Bold.
ID this famous logo.
What is being reffered to from the following non-exhaustive list?

1. Kim Dae-Jung, President of South Korea.
2. Yitzhak Rabin, President of Israel.
3. Mikhael Gorbachev, President of USSR.
4. Oscar Arias Sanchez, President of Costa Rica.
5. Woodrow Wilson, President of USA
6. Theodore Roosevelt, President of USA

Sunday, 15 February 2015

What are these paintings called?

hidden artworks on the edges of books gif    fore-edge paintings on books     hidden artworks on edges of books

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

It is the world’s oldest continuously-operating brewery. Its origins can be traced to a Benedictine monastery in Narhberg Hill founded in 725 by saint Corbinian. It started in 1040 when Abbot Arnold from the city of Freising a license to brew and sell beer. Name the brewery.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Significance of the building?

Paul Otlet, considered the founding father of Information Science and Henri LaFontaine, a nobel peace Laureate created an institution in 1910 as part of their work on documentation science.  It aimed to gather together all the world's knowledge and classify it according to a system they developed called the Universal Decimal Classification. It has been identified as a milestone in the history of data collection and management and as a precursor to the internet.
Name the institution.
Guitar Picks and trail route signs have a popular curvaceous triangle like shape. What is this shape known as?(Named after a German Engineer).

Sunday, 8 February 2015

According to the Icelandic Sagas, this country was named such by the Norwegian born Viking ruler called Erik the Red, when he was exiled from Iceland for manslaughter around 982. Name the country.
This movie made history by becoming the first film ever to be screened at the White House. It is  about story of the relationship between two American families, one Union, the other Confederate, at the time of the Civil War and the Reconstruction that followed. The use of night photography, panoramic long shots, montage and parallel editing all worked extremely well, as did the war scenes involving legions of extras. Many classic battles in modern cinema from Braveheart to The Lord of the Rings are said to have drawn from this movie.
ID the movie.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

The story of X begins with Syphilis. By 1580, the STD had become the worst epidemic to strike Europe since the Black Death.  Without antibiotics, victims faced the full brunt of the disease: open sores, nasty rashes, blindness, dementia, and patchy hair loss. And so, the syphilis outbreak sparked a surge in making of X.
Before video equipment became accessible, there was dance notation. It is the symbolic representation of human dance movement and form, using methods such as graphic symbols and figures, path mapping, numerical systems, and letter and word notations. The first of such notation was in 1680s invented by  Pierre Beauchamp for Baroque dance and published in 1700 by Raoul-Auger Feuillet. It was commissioned by Louis XIV to instruct aristocrats on Baroque dancing. Name the dance notation system.(An image of the notation is shown below).
X was a computing pioneer who coined the term "computer bug" after finding a moth stuck inside Harvard's Mark II computer in 1947 (which in turn led to the term "debug,"). X did the foundational work that led to the COBOL programming language. When retired from the U.S. Navy at age 79, X was the oldest active-duty commissioned officer in the service. X had a clock in the office that ran backwards. In 1994 Anita Borg co-founded a conference (which is the world’s largest gathering of women in computing) commemorating X.
 ID X.

Friday, 6 February 2015

In fiction, X is a plot device in the form of some goal, desired object, or other motivator that the protagonist pursues, often with little or no narrative explanation. The X technique is common in films, especially thrillers. Usually the X is the central focus of the film in the first act, and thereafter declines in importance. It may re-appear at the climax of the story, but sometimes is actually forgotten by the end of the story. Multiple Xs are sometimes derisively identified as plot coupons. The name "X" appears to originate in 20th-century film-making, and was popularized by Alfred Hitchcock in the 1930s; but the concept pre-dates the term.
Walker Woolen Mill was built in Wilton, Maine in 1840, whose owner is Charles Forester, called the "The Father of X" and built the world's first X mill here(Maine) in 1881. Maine is the most wooded state in the USA, and has a long history of manufacturing everything from shoes to paper.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

On February 3, 1959 a plane crashed shortly after taking off from Clear Lake, Iowa, killing all four people aboard- Roger Peterson, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and J.P. Richardson. What is this date came to be known as?

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Plexiglas became one of the wonder weapons of the Second World War. It was used in windows on vehicles and, due to its lightweight and malleability was used in replacement grip plates for 1911-style handguns. These often were set up with the lover's picture on the right plate. This 1911 grip soon became a phenomenon. What are these grips popularly called?(pic below)

Monday, 2 February 2015

 This script style was used in the United States from approximately 1850 to 1925 and was considered the American de facto standard writing style for business correspondence prior to the widespread adoption of the typewriter. The text in Ford Motor Company's logo as well as in the Coca-Cola logo uses this style. Name the script style.

     Ford Motor Company Logo.svg
Naturism, or nudism, is a cultural and political movement practicing, advocating and defending social nudity, most of which takes place on private property. In the United Kingdom, the first official nudist club was established in Wickford, Essex in 1924. According to Michael Farrar, writing for British Naturism the club adopted the name X from the name of the owner of the ground, and called its site The Camp. A referrence to this club has been made in a latest season of Downton Abbey.
Person of Cultural Merit is an official Japanese recognition and honor which is awarded annually to select people who have made outstanding cultural contributions. Who was the first anime director to receive this honor?

Sunday, 1 February 2015

The invention of X has been credited to Mary Quant and Andre Couregges. But X is widely associated with Mary Quant who  ran the cult King’s Road boutique Bazaar (co-founded with her husband, Alexander Plunket Greene, and Archie McNair), started dealing in X – hitherto the domain of sportswomen – in 1966. Quant’s muse was an anonymous tap dancer she spied at the dance studio where she used to attend ballet class. Quant famously named the X after her favourite car, the Mini Cooper. ID X.
Which company is formed from the merger of Guinness and Grand Metropolitan?

Saturday, 31 January 2015

If Perumal Murugan's "Madurubagan" is the recent case of proscription of work on grounds of obscenity, then what was the first case under the Indian Penal Code?

Thursday, 29 January 2015

He was one of the pioneers of modern Indian art and a key figure of Contextual Modernism. He became the principal of Kala Bhavan, Santiniketan in 1922. He was also famously asked by Jawaharlal Nehru to sketch the emblems for the Government of India's awards, including the Bharat Ratna and the Padma Shri. Along with his students, he took up the historic task of decorating the original manuscript of the Constitution of India. ID him.

Nandalal Bose (1883 – 1966).jpg

Wednesday, 28 January 2015


The picture shows a massive, rocket-propelled, explosive-laden cart designed by the British military during World War II. what is its name?
 ID the structure(recently in news)

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

 This is the picture of the Dreadnought hoaxers in Abyssinian regalia with which Horace Cole tricked the Royal Navy into showing their flagship, the battleship HMS Dreadnought. ID the person in the extreme left.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Born in Bagbazar, Kolkata in 1844, X was a Bengali musician, poet, playwright, novelist, theatre director and actor. X can be referred to as the Father of Bengali Theatre. X cofounded the Great National Theatre, the first Bengali professional theatre company in 1872, wrote nearly 40 plays and acted and directed many more. ID X.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

X is a form of modern architecture, a subdivision of futurist architecture influenced by car culture, jets, the Space Age, and the Atomic Age. Originating in Southern California during the late 1940s and continuing approximately into the mid-1960s, X was popular among motels, coffee houses and gas stations. Features of X include upswept roofs, curvaceous, geometric shapes, and bold use of glass, steel and neon. X was also characterized by Space Age designs symbolic of motion, such as boomerangs, flying saucers, atoms and parabolas, and free-form designs such as "soft" parallelograms and an artist's palette motif. These stylistic conventions represented American society's fascination with Space Age themes and marketing emphasis on futuristic designs.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

X is a long-range, Mach 3 strategic reconnaissance aircraft that was operated by the United States Air Force. It was developed as a black project by Lockheed and its skunk works division. On 26 April 1971, X was flown by Majors Thomas B. Estes and Dewain C. Vick which flew over 15,000 miles in 10 hrs. 30 min. This flight was awarded the 1971 Mackay Trophy for the "most meritorious flight of the year" and the 1972 Harmon Trophy for "most outstanding international achievement in the art/science of aeronautics". ID X(aircraft).

what is blanked out?

 Talking boards became very popular in the late 1800s and  in 1890, Elijah Bond, Charles Kennard and William H.A. Maupin had the idea to turn the board into a toy. They filed the first patent for a game they called the X board which was granted in 1891. X is an ancient Egyptian word meaning “good luck.” The Kennard Novelty company manufactured these boards which was renamed as X Novelty company.  William Fuld, an employee there, eventually took over production of the boards. He holds more X patents and copyrights than anyone else in history, a grand total of 21 registrations in three countries including the design for the modern planchette. In 1966, Fuld’s estate sold the family business to Parker Brothers, which manufactured the modern boards as we know them today. In 1991, Parker Brothers was sold to Hasbro, which now holds all the rights and patents for X.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Square deal
bully pulpit

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Oxford Dictionaries- vape
Dictionary.com- exposure
Merriam-Webster- culture
American Dialect Society- #blackivesmatter
To commemorate Liberation Day in South Korea, Bumyang introduced X(a non-alcoholic beverage) in 1996. Beginning in 1973, Bumyang had been the company licensed by The Coca-Cola Company to produce and bottle Coca-Cola in Korea. In 1996, however, that license was given to another company. In response to this, Bumyang developed a new cola and called it X and used a marketing campaign based on the idea of Korean “Cola Independence”. They attempted to appeal to Korean citizens by marketing a cola made in Korea by a Korean company as being a better option than the dominant brand, Coca-Cola, which was made by an American company.

Friday, 16 January 2015

X is a phrase first used by Jawaharlal Nehru in his book The Discovery of India. X is an individual and social process of thinking and acting underlying a scientific method. ID the phrase.
Mahabaleshwar is most recognised for its strawberries exports which is cultivated in Panchgani. These strawberries were introduced by Chinese convicts in 1860s. The history of this can be traced back to a particular Falls  which is named after Chinese convicts who, many years ago, worked in the vicinity, and who had a crucial hand in establishing the hill station. Name the Falls.
X is a TV series filmed in Kenya and Nigeria in which young people go out, sleep with each other and learn tough lessons about HIV. X is a non-profit project of MTV's Staying Alive Foundation with twin goals of promoting safer sex and removing the taboo around HIV. It is sponsored by donors including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. X stars Lupita Nyong'o who won an Academy Award in 2014 for her role in 12 Years a Slave.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

"Regina v. Hicklin"(1868) case involved one Henry Scott, who resold copies of an anti-Catholic pamphlet entitled "The Confessional Unmasked: shewing the depravity of the Romish priesthood, the iniquity of the Confessional, and the questions put to females in confession." When the pamphlets were ordered destroyed as obscene, Scott appealed the order to the court of Quarter Sessions. Benjamin Hicklin, the official in charge of such orders as Recorder, revoked the order of destruction. Hicklin held that Scott's purpose had not been to corrupt public morals but to expose problems within the Catholic Church; hence, Scott's intention was innocent. The authorities appealed Hicklin's reversal, bringing the case to the consideration of the Court of Queen's Bench. This case led to a legal test for obscenity. What is the test known as?

Monday, 12 January 2015

It was the German Kingdom of Prussia's highest order of merit. The award was founded in 1740 by Frederick the Great; it was intended primarily as a military honour, but was also sometimes given for civil accomplishments. This version of the order was revived as an independent organization in 1923, and again in 1952, with the President of Germany replacing the King of Prussia as head of the order. This version of the honour is still active. Notable recipients of this award are Bismarck, Hermann Goring, Manfred Von Richthofen.
ID the award.